Nervous System Mastery for DJs

Harness the power of Neuroscience to transform your sets.

November 2-3, 2024

If I could only teach you one thing, this is it.

The nervous system controls virtually every function in our body and brain.

It determines how we move, respond, heal, feel, express and behave. 

As DJs, musicians and performers, the impact we seek to make on our audiences — that joy, freedom, connection and release everyone is looking for — lives in the nervous system.

If you want to create environments + experiences that change lives, the quickest route is science.

November 2-3, we gather for a two day virtual immersion with Tasha Blank.

We’ll hand you the user’s manual to the human operating system and show you how to apply it to everything you do through music, movement and performance.

When you create a powerful experience for your audience, that experience happens inside their nervous systems.

And it just so happens that music (especially when combined with movement and community) is one of the most powerful tools available to rewire our nervous systems in this mega-chaotic world.

People don’t just come to the dance floor to get lost in a swirl of lights and sound. They come for an internal revolution that remembers their reason for being alive.

The way we wield the decks can establish safety, build connection, unwind tension, free blocked emotion and entrain everyone into the sense of belonging we all crave — setting us up for a lifetime of sweaty breakthrough hallelujahs.

Because you’re not just dropping beats.

You’re shifting human physiology.

… but most DJs don’t know how.

Most DJs were never taught the science of ecstasy, let alone how to create the conditions for it to occur.

We leave it to chance, enjoying occasional peak moments and wondering why not all of our sets hit the same.

You’ve seen dance floors transform into bouncing, unified houses of healing. You wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t tasted that magic.

There is a blueprint for creating those experiences again and again. Understanding the nervous system is key.

This experiential two day workshop is an introduction to the most powerful aspect of our biology.

We’ll open your understanding of your own system and how it creates common issues like procrastination, anxiety, brain fog, insomnia, overthinking, exhaustion and burnout — and give you tools to work with yourself as you navigate the high-intensity and high-stakes worlds of party culture and performance.

Then we’ll unpack how sound impacts every single function in the body so you can use your music to unlock your audience’s neurology in ways that blow them open without blowing them out.

Imagine having the tools to know exactly why certain tracks light up the dance floor, why that drop sent chills down everyone’s spine, and how to (safely and responsibly!) catalyze potent moments of emotional release.

This isn’t just theory. It’s the fundamental framework for accessing ecstasy — applied science that will change how you think about everything you do.

What You’ll Learn

  • Common myths and misconceptions about the Nervous System 

  • How the Nervous System actually works  

  • How our species has become the most dysregulated we’ve ever been 

  • How that impacts our physical and mental health 

  • The connection between the nervous system and common issues like procrastination, anxiety, brain fog, insomnia, overthinking, exhaustion and burnout 

  • How to apply this knowledge to your own life to find presence and ground in overwhelming and over-stimulating situations 

  • How to apply it all as an artist and performer to find power and creative flow in especially dysregulating nightlife, party and festival environments 

  • How all of this applies to SOUND, and how music can be used to remedy our collective f*ckery with the perfect combination of regulation and release

  • How collective synchronization impacts our neurology + the keys to facilitating social magic

  • How sound can regulate the physiologies of stress and arousal, hormones and neurotransmitters

  • How to craft sets that systematically lead your audience into catharsis and freedom

  • How to turn stage fright and performance anxiety into power and presence

  • Practical tools that elevate your DJ sets and live performances, plus when and how to use them 

  • How to create experiences that blow crowds away and inspire feedback like “I feel like you played that set just for me,” “That was pure medicine,” “I've never danced like that before,” “I've never felt so liberated,” “I need to go home and integrate what just happened,” and “Where can I dance with you next?”

Who This is For

  • DJs who want to level up from simply playing tracks to creating experiences that hit on every emotional and physical level using neuroscience to take crowds into deeper, primal, life-changing territory

  • AND DJs who want the tools and knowledge to help THEMSELVES navigate the (very nervous system dysregulating) world of nightlife, festival and club culture 

  • Live Performers who want to craft experiences that shape the vibe, energy, and emotional state of the audience in real time — with greater command of their own access to power, energy, magnetism and ground

  • Movement Facilitators who want to create safer, more consistently cathartic and transformative experiences for their dancers

  • Producers looking to create tracks that inspire potent physiological responses and make music that doesn’t just sound good, but also feels right

  • Music Lovers who are curious about the hidden science behind catharsis and crave a deeper understanding of why music moves us so deeply

  • Anyone who wants to connect with a global community of like-minded creators committed to catalyzing transformation through music and movement

How We’ll Roll

This is a 2-Day Live, Experiential Virtual Workshop. You won't just be listening and consuming interesting content. You’ll be integrating it in real time for an understanding that changes your approach to music forever. 

Day 1: Understanding the Nervous System (Nov 2nd 1-5pm ET)

AKA Why people are the way they are and what to do about it

  • Common misconceptions and popular myths about what the nervous system is and how it works 

  • How it actually works … and how it kind of explains everything  

  • Embodiment tools for applying this knowledge to your own well being as you navigate performance anxiety, hyper stimulating environments, lack of sleep and the many other dysregulating elements of party, club and festival culture

  • The truth about “grounding” and how to access it no matter how you feel 

  • The role of nutrition in balancing your system to access greater presence

  • Live Q&A 

Day 2: Crafting Unforgettable Journeys (Nov 3rd 1-5pm ET)

AKA Your sets will never be the same again

  • Apply everything we unpacked in Day 1 to music and set building 

  • Understand how rhythm, frequency, and sound waves impact the body and brain

  • How to build tension in your sets and RESPONSIBLY bring your audience on a journey from bored and boring to peak expression and euphoria

  • Live, interactive demonstrations applying the science to create emotional and physical responses through music

  • Connect with a global community of music + movement nerds

  • Live Q&A 

  • Closing session with group reflection, connection, and setting you up to apply everything you’ve learned in your next performance

This experience is live and interactive, so be ready to turn on your camera, dive into learning and walk away ready to uplevel your approach to music and performance.

What Else?

  • Interactive Practices: Throughout our time together, you’ll engage in embodied work designed to integrate the science on the level of your felt senses

  • Set Design Toolkit: Downloadable resource guides to help visualize and structure transformative sets

  • Continued Education: Downloadable audio sessions with Tasha including somatic meditation, breathwork, guided dance practices and DJ sets that to support you in embodying and deepening your exploration

  • Lifetime Access to Recordings: Can’t make every session? All good. You’ll get lifetime access to workshop recordings so you can revisit anytime

  • You’ll also get access to a special Post-Workshop Integration Session. We’ll meet again after you’ve had time to apply what you’ve learned so you can ask questions, refine your sets, troubleshoot challenges, and nerd out on how cool this sh’t is 

This is your moment to fully own the power you have as a DJ.

Few other vocations can change every molecule in a space and transform so many people at once.

I want you equipped with the knowledge and tools that will maximize your impact.

The world needs it. 



1-5 pm ET